30" square
Oil on linen
It's funny how having a broken foot has been a blessing - not being able to drive for 6 weeks throughout April and May 2017 has concentrated the mind wonderfully and I've been working quite consistently. It's surprising how much you can get done when you aren't rushing around in the car all the time...although I confess I've resorted to taking Ubers when the lure of the coffee shop became irresistible.
Here's a piece about what I see inside my head when I'm giving Reiki - a field of intense spirals and diamond shapes. In my mind's eye they are often on a bright red ground, but I rather fancied painting them in blues....it feels more other-worldly to me. I'm planning to make a series on this theme because it's unusually freeing and relaxing to make work about a subject I'm expert on, ie my own brain! It looks like an abstract piece but in fact it's pretty much representational of what I see when I close my eyes as the Reiki energy starts to flow.