03 Oct Backwards and Forwards: welcome to my new website!
Last week I had the pleasure of being invited for coffee with someone young (i.e. well under the age of 40) – a super- delightful treat as she is mellowed out at home expecting her first baby and lives just around the corner from me in her shiny, beautiful new home….. and she made me a lovely cup of coffee accompanied by a delicious Pischinger which for the uninitiated is a heavenly stack of big round wafers glued together with chocolate sauce. While I was there, I obviously had a good look at the artwork on the walls and rather liked the image below..…and then she reminded me that it is in fact one of my own prints, bought for her several years ago by her Mum, a dear friend of mine, when she moved into her first home.
I was thrilled! I just about remember making this print at the London College of Printing in Elephant and Castle. This was a dynamic hub for the many artists who descended on the studio there up to 3 times a week to make their work on the screen beds and etching press; this gathering was officially a class with the wonderful artist Maggie Jennings but in fact most of us just did our own thing, supported by Maggie’s deep technical and aesthetic input when requested. Of course eventually Big Brother decided we were having far too much of a good time and sent us packing back to our own studios in freezing-cold isolation, but it remains a golden time in my memory.
Anyway, this rediscovery of an early print set me to wondering just how many watercolours, monoprints, collages and paintings I’ve made over the last 30 years in my various incarnations as reportage watercolorist, printmaker, oil painter, collage-iste; how timely then that I am on the verge of launching my new website with a survey of my work over the years…my digital legacy, if you will.
It’s been a long time and there have been lots of different series and media. Some early reportage watercolours from the late 1980-s….
…..some monoscreenpaintings/collages from the 1990s….
… oils and collages from the 2000-s…
…my first abstract piece (Windows series)
….recent pieces in oil…
….and in collage….
….new collages which are still being printed and stuck down…
….studies which I’ve just made for a new series – words and phrases which mean something to me, in the ancient language of Ogham.
It’s wonderful to be free to work on whatever subjects interest me, and to explore new media. My original website just grew and grew from its inception in the 90s to incorporate images from all the series I have worked on over the years. It was originally designed by Darren, who was recommended to me by a friend as a very talented designer; he was highly gifted but slightly mysterious and not always available to solve the mysteries of coding and Photoshop as the site grew. I panicked when he left the scene until I was rescued by Lia, an ever-patient web genius, who then presided over the ‘back end’ of the site for many years while I wrote the text and learned the modest but adequate Photoshop skills needed to make the graphics. How I wished I’d been an artist in a bygone age when a handy Pope or notable was all that was required to publicise one’s work. It’s impossible for today’s young people to appreciate the enormity of the change wrought by the internet…when I started out as an artist I had no idea of the skills I would have to develop simply to engage with the rest of the world! A few years ago Adobe introduced a life-saver, Contribute, a web-authoring program that allowed me at least partial control of my own site. Lia trained me in its mysteries and I thought my troubles were over and I would finally be in control and able to edit my own site – but the program became obsolete all too soon. Drastic action was needed to make a user-friendly version of pollyrockberger.com fit for the 21st century. Well, here it is – you’ve obviously found this blog via the new incarnation of pollyrockberger.com, designed on the WordPress platform by the talented book- and web-designer Ruth Keating. Ta-da!
I invite you to send me comments and click back to have a closer look at both new series and my past body of work, which is still represented on the new pollyrockberger.com. Sentimental fool that I am, I have found myself unable to quite say farewell to my old website and the icons designed by Darren and – with great difficulty – by me, so ‘Body of Work’ contains a snapshot of the old site and its home page.
I started this post with a look backwards to one of no doubt many pieces of work I’ve forgotten all about; the lifeblood of every artist is to move forward, to incorporate their life experience and interests while exploring and embracing new terrain. I cordially invite you to share my new website and follow me along future chapters of my artistic – and digital – journey.
Images are on line also on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pollyrockbergerartist/
Michelle Chaso
Posted at 12:23h, 05 OctoberPolly, I’m loving your new website! It’s clean, modern, elegant and perfectly show cases your diverse, vibrant, works, always original and soulful. Your blog is eloquent, interesting and a pleasure to read. A talented writer too! I look forward to seeing your future creations with the accompanying write ups giving insight into their fascinating histories and inspirations. Michelle
Posted at 12:29h, 05 OctoberThankyou so much Michelle for your lovely comment. Yours is the first feedback so far – and you’ve sent very good vibes! I’m so pleased you like the website.
Frances Khalastchi
Posted at 08:06h, 06 OctoberHi Pol! Love the new website and, in particular, this article ;)… it’s very interesting to see the progression in your work… F x
Posted at 09:44h, 06 OctoberThankyou dear F and as owner of the said print your kind comment and email are extra welcome.
Posted at 10:33h, 06 OctoberPolly, it’s beautiful – crisp and clear. And your commentary a pleasure. Love from the Mum
Posted at 00:53h, 07 OctoberI guess we should make it clear that ‘the Mum’ is not my own Mum who is no longer with us and would now be over 102 years old. No, this particular Mum is not only mother to my dear young coffee-loving friend F, but is a talented baker of Pischinger chocolate wafer confections, a long term loyal supporter of yours truly, and the purchaser of the monoprint featured in the post. Thankyou dearest Joan for your kind comment.
Frieda Moshi
Posted at 15:57h, 08 OctoberPaintings of stunning colours and beauty – refreshing to look at. Frieda
Posted at 19:10h, 08 OctoberThankyou Frieda!
Marcia Mishcon
Posted at 18:46h, 08 OctoberHi Polly
I’m just back from Frieze and would have loved to have seen your work there. Your latest paintings are beautiful. Also, as always, your insightful thoughts about your ‘art making’ was a pleasure to read. Thank you. Sending love M
Posted at 19:10h, 08 OctoberThankyou Marcia, that’s very kind.
June Epstein
Posted at 22:32h, 08 OctoberBeautiful and vibrant paintings. Wonderful exhibition of your stylistic growth.
Posted at 22:43h, 08 OctoberThankyou so much June